See a list of events considered suitable for young audiences when you use filter "Family Friendly" on our Shows & Concerts page.
See a list of our daytime, school matinee performances when you use filter "Bushnell Children's Theatre" on our Shows & Concerts page.
Each event is different, so please consult the event’s specific page on our website for details.
Booster seats are available at each theater entrance on a first-come, first-served basis. We do not offer booster seats for any weekday Bushnell Children's Theatre shows.
A family-friendly restroom with baby-changing station is located on level three of the Belding lobby across from the men's restrooms.
Visit our café for a quick bite before the show. Located in the Box Office lobby, the café is open one hour prior to most shows. Cash, credit cards and Bushnell gift cards are accepted.
For additional options, see a list of our restaurant partners on our dining page.
Theater bars and light snacks are available in the lobby areas, though not necessarily for all performances. Cash, credit cards and Bushnell gift cards are accepted at all theater bars.